Bio Filler, also known as PRP Plasma gel or Bio Gel, is an innovative alternative to regular dermal filler. The Bio Filler is made by first taking the patient’s blood, then putting the blood into a centrifuge which separates the plasma. Once the plasma has been separated from the blood, it is then cooled down in a medical refrigerator where it turns into a gel that is then reinjected into the treatment area. Because the filler is created from the plasma of the patient, it is 100% biocompatible and regenerates the skin. For patients who desire the most natural results, this is an incredible treatment.
Lip Filler – Signature Technique
Get plump and natural-looking lips with our lip filler treatment at Ninski. Our aesthetic injectors professionals use hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers to enhance the appearance of your lips with more definition and volume, leaving you feeling confident and satisfied. Book your appointment today! (1 hour)
Sunken, hollow under eyes can lead to a permanently tired look. By increasing volume in this area with dermal filler, the face looks refreshed and energized.
The Marionette Line runs from the bottom corner of your mouth down to the chin, making the face look aged and droopy. Correct this with Marionette Line Filler. (30min)
Wrinkles above the upper lip are called smokers lines. Even if you don’t smoke you can get these wrinkles from excessive pursing of the lips. Smoothing them out with dermal filler leads to a refreshed appearance.(30min)